Serialize and Deserialize Objective-C objects into JSON - Stack ... I need to serialize and deserialize objective-c objects into ... It sounds like you're looking for a ...
ios - Serialize custom object to JSON which contains ... Serialize custom object to JSON which contains NSMutableArray. No problem ... I 'm trying to serialize my Cart object which has an ..... How to Serialize Object into JSON in Objective C?
objective c - iOS JSON serialization for NSObject-based classes ... I'm working in Objective-C / iOS5. ... I want something that will serialize any custom object that I care to ...
Convert an iOS objective c object to a JSON string - Stack Overflow Convert an iOS objective c object to a JSON string. up vote 16 down vote favorite. 5. I have an objective C class like, ... to server-side calls and transfer of data instead of serialization.
objective c - iOS: Serialize/Deserialize complex JSON generically ... Anyone have idea how to serialize nested JSON based on NSObject class? There is a discussion to ...
ios - How to Serialize Object into JSON in Objective C? - Stack ... This question already has an answer here: Serialize custom ... Use dataWithJSONObject:options:error: ...
Serialize Objective-C Objects To JSON - iOS developer:tips I've written previously on how to serialize Objective-C objects to JSON as part of a simple Flickr photo viewer.
Deserialize JSON To Objective-C Objects - iOS developer:tips In Part 1 of the series Serialize Objective-C Objects to JSON I wrote a few examples for serializing objects into JSON.
NSJSONSerialization Class Reference - Apple Developer 11 Feb 2014 ... Returns a Foundation object from given JSON data. ... NSErrorPointer) -> AnyObject? Objective-C.
Convert custom iOS object to JSON string - MySampleCode Well if you have done programming in Java you will find that its surprisingly difficult in Objective C to convert your ...